WE STILL DEMAND! REDEFINING RESISTANCE IN SEX AND GENDER STRUGGLES Patricia Gentile, Gary Kinsman, and Pauline Rankin, Eds. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017


  • Angela Stanley York University

Author Biography

Angela Stanley, York University

Angela Stanley is a Ph.D. student in the Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies program at York University. Her research interests are Critical Disability Studies, Critical Race Theory, and their intersections with Queer Theory and Sexuality Studies.


How to Cite

Stanley, A. (2019). WE STILL DEMAND! REDEFINING RESISTANCE IN SEX AND GENDER STRUGGLES Patricia Gentile, Gary Kinsman, and Pauline Rankin, Eds. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017. Canadian Woman Studies Les Cahiers De La Femme, 33(1-2). Retrieved from https://cws.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cws/article/view/37776