Women's Human Rights on the World Stage: An Unfinished History


  • Alda Facio


C’est une courte histoire du développement des droits humains internationaux des femmes dans le système des Nations Unies depuis le début et comment leurs droits devraient être protégés pendant la Décennie des femmes des Nations Unies et jusqu’en 1990 quand les mouvements internationaux des femmes pour leurs droits ont pris de l’ampleur. L’auteure rêve d’un courant genré qui intégrerait les droits des femmes dans les activités des Nations Unies.

Author Biography

Alda Facio

Alda Facio is a human rights activist, jurist and writer,
teaching human rights in many parts of the world. In 2004 she co-founded the Women´s Human Rights Institute with Angela Miles and has been teaching courses ever since. As one of the founders of the Women’s Caucus for Gender Justice in the International Criminal Court in 1996, she was its first Director. In 2005 she was appointed to the UN Secretary General’s Task Force on Violence against Women. Currently she is one of five expert members of the UN mandated Working Group on Discriminatory Laws and Practices (WGDAW).


How to Cite

Facio, A. (2019). Women’s Human Rights on the World Stage: An Unfinished History. Canadian Woman Studies Les Cahiers De La Femme, 33(1-2). Retrieved from https://cws.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cws/article/view/37752



Women's Human Rights and the United Nations