As the Land Listens


  • Margo Berdeshevsky

Author Biography

Margo Berdeshevsky

Margo Berdeshevsky, born in New York City, often writes and lives in Paris. Before The Drought is her newest collection (Glass Lyre Press, 2017). Berdeshevsky is also the author of Between Soul & Stone and But a Passage in Wilderness (Sheep Meadow Press). Her book of illustrated stories, Beautiful Soon Enough, received the first Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Award for Fiction Collective Two (University of Alabama Press). Other honours include the Robert H. Winner Award from the Poetry Society of America, a portfolio of her poems in the Aeolian Harp Anthology #1 (Glass Lyre Press), the &Now Anthology of the Best of Innovative Writing, and numerous Pushcart Prize nominations.
A multi-genre novel, Vagrant, and a hybrid of poems, Square Black Key, wait at the gate. She may be found reading from her books in London, Paris, New York City, or somewhere new in the world. Her Letters from Paris may be found in Poetry International, here: For more info kindly see: http://


How to Cite

Berdeshevsky, M. (2019). As the Land Listens. Canadian Woman Studies Les Cahiers De La Femme, 33(1-2). Retrieved from