Black and Indigenous Territorial Movements : Women Striving for Peace in Colombia


  • Sheila Gruner Algoma University
  • Charo Mina Rojas National Afrocolombian Peace Council (CONPA)


Cet article rapporte les procédures employées par les femmes indigènes et les Noires de concert avec l’organisation ethnoterritoriale qu’elles représentent, dans le but d’établir la paix en Colombie. Elles ont travaillé durant les récentes négociations ainsi que durant la phase d’implication de ce qui s’est appelé « L’ultime accord pour en finir avec le conflit autour de l’élaboration d’une paix durable” . (Les accords de
paix de la Havane) Dans cet article. les auteures examinent la base de ces ententes et quelques unes des contributions de la Commission ethnique pour la paix et la défense des droits territoriaux et rapportent des problèmes soulevés depuis cette
signature. Finalement les auteures abordent des stratégies pour devancer les défis surtout ceux qui touchent les indigènes et les afrocolombiens dont on néglige les besoins particuliers.

Author Biographies

Sheila Gruner, Algoma University

Sheila Gruner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Community Economic and Social Development, at Algoma University in Ontario, Canada, and Visiting Professor at the Pontifica Universidad Javeriana (Faculty of Ecology and Rural Studies, Dept of Rural Development) in Bogota, Colombia, where she is a member of the Observatory for Ethnic and Campesino Territories, and participates in the research group “Conflict, Region, and Rural Societies”. She has been working in the area of political and territorial rights, decolonizing learning/education, and as collaborated
with women’s, Indigenous and Afro-desdendent movement organizations since the 1990s. She currently accompanies the Black Communities Process and the Ethnic Commission for Peace and the Defense of Territorial Rights in Colombia on issues related to human rights and the implementation of peace.

Charo Mina Rojas, National Afrocolombian Peace Council (CONPA)

Charo Mina Rojas is a member of the human rights team
of the Black Communities’ Process, the Afrocolombian
Solidarity Network, the Black Alliance for Peace, and the
National Afrocolombian Peace Council (CONPA). She is
a representative of the Ethnic Commission for Peace and the Defense of Territorial Rights on the Special High-Level Body for Ethnic Peoples for the implementation of the peace accords in Colombia. Charo has been working for over thirty years for the promotion of Black communities and Black and Indigenous women’s rights.


How to Cite

Gruner, S., & Rojas, C. M. (2019). Black and Indigenous Territorial Movements : Women Striving for Peace in Colombia. Canadian Woman Studies Les Cahiers De La Femme, 33(1-2). Retrieved from



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